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Health Insurance

Better late than never does not apply when it comes to insurance and insurers ...

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Health Insurance is vital even when you are perfectly fit. The problem is that that is exactly when you least think about taking out a health insurance policy. You don't get health insurance quotes and you don't see the need to pay insurance premiums.

The good news is that insurance premiums are cheaper when you are fit. When you start developing health issues. the premiums go up. In fact, in most cases. the health insurers will specifically exclude any current medical conditions. 

That means you cannot benefit by taking out a health insurance policy at that stage - it is too late.

Better late than never does not apply when it comes to insurance and insurers.

It is essential that you carefully check the small print when taking out a health or medical insurance policy. Almost all insurers will gladly take your insurance premiums. 

However, when you need to make a claim, many of them will point you to the small clauses. They will try and get out the liability that you think they have undertaken. "Get out" clauses cause the most distress when you most need to rely on your insurance policy and on your insurers.

Be safe - insure. But also be aware of exactly what your insurance policy covers and what it excludes.

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